— Mark Sanborn, President, Sanborn and Associates, Inc., Bestselling Author, The Fred Factor and You Don’t Need a Title to Be a Leader
“Paid to Think shows leaders how to think more and think better to meet their challenges. David Goldsmith brings structure and rigor to how leaders can think more effectively with easy-to-understand principles and practices.”
— Jennifer Schroder, VP Marketing, Special Market Sales, Galison Publishing LLC
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— Jeffrey Gitomer, Author, The Little Red Book of Selling
“David Goldsmith is unique in that he can see a 50,000-view of business and management and can also deliver the hand-to-hand tools to win.”
— Janine McBee, CUDE, Southwest CUNA Management School
“Paid to Think provides straightforward tools to help you strategically position your organization forward.”
— Sheila Francis Jeyathurai, Director of Business Development, Rouse
“I thought that Paid to Think was about work. It’s not. It’s about life, and it has changed my life in many ways. This book is a must-read for anyone who is daring enough to change!”
— Adam Broitman Chief Creative Strategist, Something Massive
“David’s mind works in the most incredibly unique fashion I have ever seen. Read Paid to Think as if your entire strategic life depends on it, because it does!”
— James H. Gilmore, Coauthor, The Experience Economy: Updated Edition and Authenticity: What Consumers Really Want
“In an age when so much management flimflam masquerades as new knowledge, David Goldsmith’s Paid to Think provides a refreshingly detailed study in the proven mechanics of sound business thinking. Read and re-read this book!”
— Arucha Promyanon, Former Channel Manager, Fuji Xerox (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
“Paid to Think bridges the gaps left by management techniques one learns in business schools.”
— Joe Calloway, Author of Becoming A Category of One
“This book does more than provoke thought—it creates results!”