For six months I fought with the publisher… then finally I was able to purchase one chapter.

That’s a real quote from an executive named Elizabeth who wanted only multiple copies of a single chapter of a certain book to lead her staff members to desired outcomes, but she wasted valuable time and effort appealing to the book’s publisher for the tools she needed. Maybe you’ve had the same wishes as Elizabeth; perhaps you supervise, oversee, or manage a group of people, and you’ve wanted similar tools to maximize potential and drive performance but found that chapter singles were inaccessible or unaffordable. Well, put all that behind you, because I’ve made Paid to Think chapter singles easily and quickly available.

So while I’m sure you’re perfectly willing to purchase the entire book of Paid to Think for yourself or for a leadership team, I also understand that there may be times when it’s more efficient or cost effective to buy single chapters given certain circumstances.

In these types of situations, some of which are included here, single chapters can be a quick and easy solution, such as:

  • When you work with a large team and you want them to understand a single topic without breaking your budget. Say that you’re working on developing new products within a department consisting of 47 staff members and seven leaders. In an instance like this, exposing all 54 participants to Chapter 4, Developing New Products and Services, would put everyone on the same page and ready them to proceed on the project at hand.
  • When you’re about to undertake an endeavor and reading the entire book at that time is not feasible, you can address a particular topic area quickly. Let’s assume you about to enter into negotiations with a prospective ally, and you’d like both your team and the other party to build a successful union based on PTT’s proven Alliance Pillars. Distribute copies of Chapter 5, Establishing Alliances, and you’ll not only fend off the needless challenges that often plague alliances, but build the kinds of alliances that help your organization achieve desired outcomes now and in years to come.

And there may be other occasions:

  • When you’re searching for the type of gift to give that provides real value at any time.
  • When you want to do a monthly program covering the topics of Paid to Think in your own order preference.

Unlike past xperiences that you or your colleagues may have had in obtaining individual chapters, Paid to Think singles offer you the flexibility to order when you want, how you want, and how much you want, because it’s the firstbook that’s ever seen released in print, as an e-book, and in the form of convenient single chapters!

In addition, Paid to Think—the book and single chapters—is available in audio format, too So visit your e-store or, choose the format and method of delivery that best suit your busy lifestyle, and start to chieve more, earn more, and live more . . . even if it’s one chapter at a time!

Paid to THINK Singles

Enterprise Thinking and Rethinking

Developing Plans

Creating New Products and Services

Establishing Alliances

Leveraging Technology
Acquiring New Knowledge
Enhancing Global Awareness

Watching Competition

Leading the Charge
Empowering Others

Innovating Everywhere

Selling Continuously

Forecasting the Future and Redefining Your Future